What questions should one ask their Gynaecologists Before Getting Married?

Arti Sharma
4 min readJul 22, 2021


Your marriage is a special occasion and thus you want to keep everything perfect from your lehenga, the best photographer to your dream decor. It’s The craziest journey one goes through but among all these preparations there is one thing that everyone wants to get prepared with is to see a gynaecologist?

As there are ample doubts and questions in your mind related to having sex, the changes in your body about pregnancy and many more and these questions cannot be answered by your group of friends but by a specialist. So seeing a gynaecologist is a must and there are many gynecologist in Noida that can help you with the best answers to ease your anxiety and make sure that you are healthy. So we have a list of common questions that you must ask your gynaecologist before getting married.

The question you must ask your Gynaecologist

​Is the first time intercourse really painful?

This is a common question that generally lingers on and the answer to it is Yes, If you are a virgin or if you have not been sexually active before. You may feel a little uncomfortable or may experience pain as well and it totally depends upon person to person. Some may experience bleeding as well but as you get comfortable then the pain goes away gradually. So it’s important to discuss it with your partner beforehand. But the best answer would come from your gynaecologist as she is the best person to shed some light on the issue.

How much sex after marriage is considered normal?

There is no particular answer to it. If you and your partner are comfortable and happy enjoying sex, then you can have it any number of times a day or week. It not only helps in physical intimacy but in getting closer mentally too.

Can I have sex during my periods. Is it safe? Can I get pregnant?

Though it is one’s personal choice it is not recommended to have sex during the periods as it is uncomfortable and there is a possibility of infection while having sex during periods. The menstrual flow coming out from your body can have bacteria or viruses and this can become the cause of infection. Apart from that, the blood that leaks during sex can cause discomfort as well. But the chances of getting pregnant during periods even if you are having unprotected sex are very less.

What if I want to delay my periods?

There are many methods that can be really helpful in delaying your periods around your special day as you are already going through a lot and on top of that your period cramps can make the whole situation worse and also add to the misery. So it is the best thing to take advice from your doctor regarding this.

What is the right age to get pregnant?

It totally depends on person to person irrespective of the fact whether you are in your twenties or more than that. If you are mentally prepared to have a child then it is the right time to do so. So consulting your gynaecologist should be your priority. Discuss the contraceptives you should take and what is the best way to prepare your body for the changes that might occur.

Will my body go through many physical changes after marriage?

In case you are a virgin, and you have never been sexually involved then your body will go through some changes. To understand it properly and to get prepared for it, it is a must to speak to your gynaecologist.

When to have sex to conceive?

Every woman goes through a cycle of periods and if you have a regular cycle of 28 days then make sure that your ovaries will release the egg on the 14th day. This egg stays in your body for a period of 24 hours and this is the right time for ovulation (the sperm to join the egg). You can keep a window of 2 days before and after the 14th day in hand and try to have intercourse without any protection for these five days and there are chances that you can conceive.

Should we get any tests done before marriage?

It is always good to indulge in tests before getting married to avoid any kind of complications. If you or your partner have indulged in sex before marriage then it becomes a must for both. You can go for a pelvic exam, STD test and even a pap smear test that screens cancer-causing conditions in your cervix.

What are the types of birth control methods that can be used?

So e of the birth control methods that can be used to avoid pregnancy are Condoms — Male or Female, IUD, or birth control pills. But you should consult your doctor before taking or using one as they can damage your reproductive system.

Will I bleed during the first time of sex?

There might be chances that you bleed as people are involved in sex before marriage and many physical activities that can rupture the hymen, s,o it totally depends upon person to person. If you do not bleed then also there is nothing to worry about but in case you experience bleeding it is perfectly normal.

How do I take care of my private parts after marriage?

It is an important question to ask as you have sexual intercourse, it is imperative to keep your vagina clean, trimmed and dry. You must increase your intake of liquids also to keep yourself hydrated.

In case you have any other doubts, you can consult a gynaecologist as there are some hospitals in Noida. You can find the best Gynaecologists in Noida who can help you with your issues.



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